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RSS Channel: Comments on: Ten Tips for More Rewarding Travel @tripext
Luxury and Adventure Travel Blog

By: Jessica Ayun
In reply to <a href="https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/ten-tips-for-more-rewarding-travel-tripext/#comment-9625">Sanket D.</a>. Sometimes it needs an article to remind us again (and again), Sanket. I guess in every repetition, we can add another tip or two as traveling is a non-stop learning. ;)

By: Jessica Ayun
In reply to <a href="https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/ten-tips-for-more-rewarding-travel-tripext/#comment-9582">Svet Dimitrov</a>. Thanks to Jon (white monkey) for these awesome tips! :) Glad you had two good points to remember, Svet. More rewarding travels to you! :)

By: Jessica Ayun
In reply to <a href="https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/ten-tips-for-more-rewarding-travel-tripext/#comment-9452">Sue@NoFixedAbodeForsue</a>. Good point, Sue. Bloggers should always be a good source for another blogger. ;)

By: melody pittman
Fun tips. My favorite was "burn the guidebooks". They are mostly outdated by the time you purchase them anyway. LOL Some of those things would be impossible for me to do.

By: Alexandrea
I do number 7 so much. I love planning out every detail because I find planning fun, but once I'm actually on the holiday I wont even look at my plan!

By: Divina CA
Great tips! Though I have already been doing most of it ;)

By: Sanket D.
You know these 'tips' kind of posts always sound like blatant common sense in hindsight, but it's amazing how each one of us have been guilty of not recognising/realising the exact same things when we are actually traveling. Great list to put together. I can't agree more with "Meet the Locals" — some of my most fulfilling experiences have come through locals, and shared memories with them :)

By: Gemma
Be the yes person, love it! I am totally all about the local as a guide too.

By: Richard Collett
I agree! I always find it hard to reconcile preparing an itinerary to make the most of your time and leaving things open to be spontaneous though!

By: Svet Dimitrov
Jessica, thanks for these great tips! I am sure everybody here knows most of them but tends to overlook them. I especially love the tip about mixing with locals and getting their advice on what to visit, eat, etc., because I also do it all the time. And the say "yes" is wonderful - reminds me of the movie "The Yes Man" with Jim Carrey :)

By: Marjorie
I haven't really given much thought about traveling with a purpose. As of now I only want to discover places for their stories. I think you have just given me something to ponder about. I do make plans, but I don't make a set itinerary. I just list out the things I want to do or places I want to go in a certain place then I just go where the wind takes me. It's good to have a plan, but I'm not too strict about following it.