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RSS Channel: Comments on: 6 Tips on How You Can Maintain a Happy Lifestyle
Luxury and Adventure Travel Blog

By: Mj
Hi angel, Nice article. Are you the lakwatserang negro... I so love the name, you r the captain of your own ship, pilot of your own plane, the artist of your own masterpiece.. Did someone said that u just put together...

By: charmaine
Credits to two monkeys travel!congratulations to both of you!i'm a fan also, i love reading your stories! Godbless you :-) -charm-

By: charmaine
Hi angel! I really enjoyed reading this...and it does help me a lot!after a stressful day at work, ang sarap lang sa pakiramdam na mabasa ito!thank you and Godbless!:-) P.s I'm looking forward to read your other articles!Good job! -charm-

By: Manong Unyol
“You’re the captain of your own ship, the pilot of your own plane, the painter of your own masterpiece, the writer of your own story so make the most out of it.” -The Lakwatserang Negra (ang ganda ng qoute) :) nakakabuhay talga ng dugo kpag tungkol sa travel adventure ang usapan... nice article

By: Ma Angelica Gallego
In reply to <a href="https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/keeping-good-vibes/#comment-2001">Kach of GTravel Gurus</a>. Hi two monkeys thank you for considering my article.. :)

By: Kach of GTravel Gurus
In reply to <a href="https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/keeping-good-vibes/#comment-1934">JONtotheworld</a>. Jon,super love reading your comments on the articles!! Yung blog mo din kaya may recall, jontotheworld.. with pagkanta pa kapag sinasabi! haha! <3

By: JONtotheworld
Hi Angel, I really enjoy reading this type of article. Yung about travel pero may halong usapang buhay hehehe I agree with you when you talked about facebook and social media. Ako I seldom post about work on facebook and it makes me happier. I've got nothing againts those people who rant about work on fb, it's just that for me I've had enough with work 8 hours daily so when it comes to social media I just enjoy posting about my travel,my blog, family and friends. Walang bakas ng trabaho ang fb ko wahahaha! I also agree on investing on experiences hehe My co-workers would always tease me or make fun of me whenever they see me with a big backpack on a friday because it means that I'm gonna have a travel escapade on that weekend hahaha I told one colleague that if for him he would spend his extra money on clothes and rubber shoes etc. ako I would rather spend it on travel. Sari sariling priorities lang yan. :) Enjoyed reading this post and I will definitely check out your blog. The lakwatserang Negra. Nice name. May branding ah. Hahaha may recall ;) see you on the road Angel. Regards, Jon