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Luxury and Adventure Travel Blog

By: Kach of GTravel Gurus
In reply to <a href="https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/contact/#comment-379">Camille Palma</a>. Awesome Camille, skype was our bestfriend too while jon and I were away from each other!! =) Please write, even it's not about travelling- just about love or life experience! =)

By: Camille Palma
In reply to <a href="https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/contact/#comment-369">Kach of GTravel Gurus</a>. You're welcome! I am also looking forward to being one of your guest writers, but I guess I'd have to wait for the time when I can already travel to different places so I can be more helpful to your website. P.S. My boyfriend is from Amsterdam that's why your story caught my attention. We've also known each other for a bit more than 2 years but we only met personally last October 2014 and Skype is our bestfriend. :)

By: Kach of GTravel Gurus
In reply to <a href="https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/contact/#comment-367">Camille Palma</a>. Hello Camille! your suggestion is brilliant, really appreciate it! We're still planning to redesign our website this year and will definitely add that, for now- I'm targeting to post more useful articles maybe until next month. Thank you so much for the suggestion!! =)

By: Camille Palma
Hi Kach and Jon, I first read your story from a post shared in Facebook and it's really nice that you were able to come up with this website. It's amazing how you two are able to travel to different places. I have a suggestion though. In your home page, maybe you could allocate a space for a big map showing all the places you've been to with links to related articles posted in your website. I don't know how you'd be able to do that but I guess you know someone who can do the technical part of it. I just thought that it would be a "plus" to this website, more convenient for your followers/readers/first-time visitors. More power!