The 10 Commandments for your next travel

By GTravel Gurus - Contributor August 4th, 2022 Posted in Inspiration and Love Stories, Travel Blog, Travel Guides 10 Comments

What are the odds of you living your dream and doing what you want? What does it take to live a happy and content life without regrets? What would you do to make it all come true?

As I was killing time at a bookstore once, I saw a book entitled My Life List. I was so excited to open it to find out that it’s some diary of plans and how to attain them. At some point, I started writing small things but as I grew older, I began writing more important and more complicated ones. Seeing it filled up, though, gives a great deal of encouragement. It made me see my progress and made me realize that any aspiration can be possible with the right amount of perseverance and proper attitude.Kach and Jonathan - Pictrip pictorial in London

Making a decision is only the beginning of things. This line from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist makes a lot of sense. Before making a decision, I’m sure you have weighed your reasons and justified them.

Now, of all time, is the right moment to think it through and live as you’re born with it. As guide, here are the ten commandments for your travel.

Commandment #1: Know what you want.

The 10 Commandments for your next travel
Photo by
Giuseppe Milo
CC BY 2.0

As an aspiring traveler, you should know that the kind of life you’re getting in to is risky and takes a lot of sacrifices. Weigh things and know your limits. This is always the first step in getting somewhere.

When I was in high school, I only dreamed of going to Japan. I did not even have an idea if I would be able to get out of the Philippines considering that I live an average life. But last year, when an opportunity came, I kept my eyes on it, claimed it mine and didn’t give up. After a few months of applications, interviews and screenings, voila! My dream is mine because I knew I wanted it. I earned a spot for a cultural exchange program, got the title Ambassadress of Goodwill and lived my dream- for FREE! ^_^

Commandment #2: Foresee the things that you’re going to do.


The 10 Commandments for your next travel (2)
Photo by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland CC BY-ND 2.0

Now that you know what you really want and convinced that you’re willing to take all the risks, you need to envision yourself out there. See yourself and prepare your mind for what’s coming soon. Get ready to see the world in its true form. May it be pretty or ugly; you’ll always find a positive side to it. See yourself in a pathway of musicians in Prague, in the street eating Pad Thai, on a ski resort building snowman or a bridge getting ready for bungee jumping!

Commandment #3: Make a timeline.

The 10 Commandments for your next travel (2)
Photo by Matt Biddulph CC BY-SA 2.0


They say that a dream remains to be a wish until it gets to be written. Then, it becomes a plan. At this point, whether you’re a college student, a high-school student, an employee or just a bored by-stander, making a timeline will always keep you on track. Consider your situation. Ask questions like can I afford this trip? How long would I need to save? Putting a projected completion date and actual completion date for each plan, especially the preparation would also help a lot. This will make you see where you’re already getting at.

Commandment #4: Make a budget plan.

The 10 Commandments for your next travel (2)
Photo by Jernej Furman CC BY 2.0

It is undeniable that money has a great say when it comes to travelling. What with the flight tickets, food and accommodation, it just takes a lot. However, when you make a budget plan, you’ll know how much you’ll need to survive for your trips, and you’ll know how much more you’ll need to save up to push through with your travel plans. Also when you dream to be on a long-term backpacking, consider looking for other sources of income so as not to run out of funds. That’s the least thing you need in a foreign place.

Commandment #5: Make your connections.

The 10 Commandments for your next travel
Photo by Platform London CC BY 2.0

Travelling alone or with a group could be very hard. If you are a first timer, you really need to put this into consideration. Know travel agencies, follow airline pages, talk to people who have experienced. This will help you not only in making your plans work but in motivating you to do something towards your goals. First-hand accounts and experiences never fail to make my jaw drop, and I’m positive that it’ll make yours too.

Commandment #6: Do your research.

The 10 Commandments for your next travel (2)
Photo by
CC BY 2.0


Just like any other activities, doing your research is essential. Know your geography. Well, let me tell you. You wouldn’t want to bring really thin clothes in Siberia if you don’t want to die of frost bite. Know other places’ culture. No traveler would want to be stuck in a situation where he/she can’t compromise. Know your routes, find good and interesting new places. Know the requirements in entering countries that you plan to visit. In that case, it wouldn’t be hard to make your itinerary.

Commandment #7: Get your papers ready.

The 10 Commandments for your next travel (2)
Photo by Kai Hendry CC BY 2.0


Think you’re already set? Nuh-uh. You’re only halfway through. Remember that you need your papers to get to places especially if you plan to travel outside the country. Well, if you only plan to travel locally, you wouldn’t need your passport. But then, it’s always good to be ready. Keep in mind that the passport is the bible for traveling. Also note that other countries require more papers than the others especially in applying for visas. Better be ready with those things. We don’t want any delays, do we?

Commandment #8: Book your Flight

The 10 Commandments for your next travel (2)
Photo by Jonathan CutrerCC BY 2.0

Here we go with the exciting part. We’re almost there. Just need to decide on what will take you to your destination. Booking a flight is a crucial thing. You need to make sure you can afford the flights. But because you already made your budget plans and did your research, you’re all set after a few clicks. Booking a flight could be a lot cheaper when done early, even save more by watching out for airline promos.

Commandment #9: Pack up.

The 10 Commandments for your next travel (2)
Photo by Bego~na Martínez CC BY-SA 2.0

Excited, aren’t you? Packing up could be really hard especially if you are one meticulous person. But in travelling, packing too much as if trying to fit a room in your suitcase or backpack is a big no-no. You don’t want to be stressed while travelling. If you have a tendency to overpack, imagine yourself carrying a backpack, a shoulder bag, another backpack and luggage. We’ll see if you wouldn’t trash other things and decide just to leave them behind. Travel lightly might be a cliché already but you wouldn’t want to overlook this.

Commandment #10: See the world.

The 10 Commandments for your next travel
Photo by
Christian Siedler
CC BY-ND 2.0

Now you’re all set. See the world beckoning before your very eyes. Don’t miss a moment of it. Try all the new experiences awaiting you for those are what molds you into a better, bolder and more fearless person. Savor the moment and grasp it one by one. Breathe fresh air and feel renewed. The world has too many wonders waiting to be discovered. Don’t stick to the common places. Get lost in alleys, talk to people and do what the locals do. Those are where good stories come from. These common people have interesting stories to tell. Make memories that will last more than a lifetime. Open your eyes to the many wonders and don’t forget to share them.

Looking for other articles? Check out our DIY Travel Guides Around the World and City Guides (Awesome Things to do in each Destination). For cheap and luxurious places to stay while travelling, here’s our ultimate list of best hostels and hotels!

Seana - travelerHello there! I’m Seana. I’m a journalism student, a bookworm and a music lover. I’m a travel enthusiast although I haven’t done a lot of it. Many people would say that I’m an old soul but who knows? I might have gotten lost in one of my wanderings during my past life.

Line seperator

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10 thoughts on “The 10 Commandments for your next travel

  1. Thank you for posting these steps. I will definitely visit your blog again for more helpful tips!

    1. You’re welcome! I hope you can share this with your friends who are also planning to travel. May you have fun and safe travels ^_^

  2. Useful post! Just discovered your site too. It’s a great travel resource! Will be visiting it regularly.

    1. Thank you so much I hope you can use these step for your next travel. Also keep supporting the site and like the GTravel Gurus on Facebook for more updates.

  3. Great post! It’s amazing what kind of travel is possible when a bit of planning is involved. I think a lot of people don’t realize that, but these are great (and very achievable!) steps.

  4. Kach and Jon you NEED to get step 1 down. Fab commandments! We’re flying to Bali in about 7 hours. 24 hours on the plane in total from NYC to Denpasar and we’d have it no other way. Me and my wife got super clear on what we wanted and then the Universe helped us make a beeline for this really crazy neat lifestyle. It’s been freeing and uncomfy at times but what an adventure. To think: we went from blogging in NJ to Blogging from Paradise. Your clear steps – especially #1 – are the 10 commandments to follow.

    Thanks Kach and Jon for the fun share and keep on inspiring!


    1. Hello Ryan! Thanks for the feedback! Enjoy Bali, do you already have a place to stay there? Enjoy the paradise, blogging would be waaayyy better! Indeed, I’m a firm believer of #lawofattraction! =)

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Written by GTravel Gurus - Contributor

GTravel Gurus – Community Travel Blog is a travel blog and website. We quickly grew into a valuable source of inspiring travel stories, advice, itineraries and travel guides, with the aim of demonstrating how to live a sustainable life of travel, whilst living your own definition of success. If you'd like to contribute and write a guest post, contact us